
Thanks to everyone who participated in our online native plant sale on June 13th. We sold out and raised over $3,000 for Lakeside HOPE House and Fresh Food for Kids (an initiative by the Children’s Foundation of Guelph and Wellington).

Over 1,000 native plants were donated by members of Nature Guelph, Pollination Guelph,Guelph Enabling Garden and community members. Volunteers worked tirelessly to sort orders and help with pickup. Pickup was very smooth and well run, with people arriving in pre-arranged ten-minute blocks to maintain physical distancing. Nature Guelph Wildflower members also donated plants to the Yorklands Green Hub Pollinator Patch Project.

A special thank you to Judy Brisson for organizing the sale and to Wendy Lewis for use of her potting area for plant storage and pickup. Great job, everyone!

Photo: Randall Van Gerwen