Every December, people all over the world participate in a citizen science project called the Christmas Bird Count (CBC). This year’s Guelph CBC takes place on Sunday, December 15, 2024 and involves birders going out in teams in their assigned sections within a 24-kilometre diameter circle around the city. Each team identifies and counts as many birds as possible in a single day and results are compiled at a “tally rally” at the end of the day. The data is an important contribution to knowledge of wintering bird populations and how they are changing over time.

The CBC is a great way to participate in avian science, learn a little about the birds that spend their winters here in Guelph, spend time exploring Guelph’s various natural spaces, and make some new birder friends. People of all levels of experience are welcome to participate.

Join the Guelph CBC

The Guelph CBC area map is shown at right. (Click it to view a larger version.) Below you will find a table with information on section leaders and detailed section maps. (Click on the section name to view a detailed map.)

If you are interested in joining a specific team, contact the leader of that section. If you’d like to participate but don’t have a specific team in mind, email Mike Cadman, Guelph CBC Coordinator, at mikecadman33@gmail.com.

Tally Rally at Wild Birds Unlimited
December 15, 5:00–6:30 pm 

Join us at Wild Birds Unlimited (987 Gordon St., Unit 2, Guelph) to tally all the birds counted in this year’s Christmas Bird Count. The Tally Rally will include prizes, snacks and hot apple cider. There will be no virtual option.

Section Section Name Contact Phone E-mail
1 Hanlon Valley Jeff deRuyter 226-332-2711 jeffaderuyter@gmail.com
2 Aberfoyle Kyle Horner 519-835-0944 kylejhorner@gmail.com
3 Little Tract Rohan van Twest 519-823-5390 rvantwes@uoguelph.ca
4 Reformatory Marlene Paibomesai 519-994-3812 marlene.paibomesai@gmail.com
5 Speed River Ron Lohr 519-824-9230 ronhlohr@gmail.com
6 West End Colin Gerber 647-961-7718 cgerbs@gmail.com
7 The Desert Mike Lepage 519-821-9555 mikelepage2@gmail.com
8 Kortright Jenn Bock 519-400-2918 jbock@uoguelph.ca
9 Eramosa River Marnie Benson 519-830-4412 benson.zack@gmail.com
10 Halton Robert Linfield 905-726-0197 rwlbirding@gmail.com
11 Guelph Lake Andrew Bendall 226-979-2189 abendall@uoguelph.ca
12 Rockwood Greg Meredith 519-241-5325 greg.hanneke@rogers.com
13 Arkell Mike Cadman 647-527-1489 mikecadman33@gmail.com