Our Bird Wing group had an amazing day on Amherst Island on February 24/24. A total of 25 people crossed on the ferry to explore this island; one of the best known spots in Ontario for winter birding because it regularly hosts large populations of hawks, harriers, owls, shrikes and waterfowl.
With a chilly start to the day, the group started in Owl Woods. Owl Woods is a private property but the landowners allow eager birders, such as ourselves, to search the cedar and Jack Pine plantations for owls and other winter birds. We initially found only a few winter bird species including Black-capped Chickadees, Common Ravens, Downey Woodpeckers, Red-bellied Woodpeckers and a Bald Eagle. Finally a Barred Owl was located and photographed in a thick cedar growth.
After a break for lunch, the afternoon was spent driving clockwise around the east side of the island looking for other owls, raptors and birds along the shoreline and in fields. The drive did not disappoint as the group sighted numerous Red-tailed Hawks, Rough-legged Hawks, Northern Harriers, Northern Shrikes and over 25 Short-eared Owls. Waterfowl included Trumpeter Swans, Gadwalls, Long-tailed Ducks, Common Goldeneyes, Buffleheads and several other species. In total the group counted 34 species.
The last minutes of the trip, before sunset, were spent watching several Short-eared Owls hunting in the fields around the village of Stella. By 6pm the group participants headed to the ferry for the mainland or returned to their lodgings on the island.