Apr 2025

Out of the Lyme Light and into the Sunlight

Out of the Lyme Light and into the Sunlight

April 3, 2025    
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Join Nature Guelph Bird Wing for a presentation by local authour and birder, Bob Bell. “Out of the Lyme Light and into the Sunlight” describes [...]
Habitat-Based Influences on Farm Arthropods

Habitat-Based Influences on Farm Arthropods

April 10, 2025    
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Aleksandra Dolezal, Ecologist – Does habitat rehabilitation on marginal farmlands that are unsuitable for crops provide for better numbers and diversity? Do arthropods respond to [...]
Woodcock Walk (Waitlist Available)

Woodcock Walk (Waitlist Available)

April 24, 2025    
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Join the Nature Guelph Bird Wing group for an evening of viewing American Woodcocks performing their dazzling ‘sky dance’ and other crepuscular bird species. Location [...]

May 2025

Bugs in Bugs: The Fascinating Friendship Between Insects and Microbes

Bugs in Bugs: The Fascinating Friendship Between Insects and Microbes

May 8, 2025    
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Yanira Jiménez-Padilla, PhD Candidate, Western University – Insects are the most diverse and abundant group of animals in the world, but they’re not alone. Virtually [...]
Bird Spring Migration Field Trip

Bird Spring Migration Field Trip

May 10, 2025    
7:00 am - 2:30 pm
Join the Nature Guelph Bird Wing group at one of Ontario’s premier spring migration hotspots: Rondeau Provincial Park! The group will meet inside the park [...]
Early Morning Bird Walk I (Waiting List)

Early Morning Bird Walk I (Waiting List)

May 14, 2025    
6:00 am - 8:00 am
Join the Nature Guelph Bird Wing group for an early morning walk around the Arboretum to look for spring migrants. We will be excited to [...]
Wellington Birdathon

Wellington Birdathon

May 19, 2025    
12:00 am - 11:59 pm
Attention Guelph/Wellington Birders! Want to participate in the Great Canadian Birdathon? Then join in the fun in Guelph as we raise money for Birds Canada [...]

Jun 2025



June 2, 2025    
8:30 pm - 9:45 pm
Join the Nature Guelph Bird Wing group for an unique experience as we contribute to community science and watch some Chimney Swifts return to their [...]
Early Morning Bird Walk II

Early Morning Bird Walk II

June 12, 2025    
6:00 am - 8:00 am
Join the Nature Guelph Bird Wing group for an early morning walk around the Arboretum to look for spring migrants. We will be excited to [...]

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